Prices for Archive Knives Reduced!


You're at the mercy of whatever talent you have.   – Horton Foote

My name is Kevin Wilkins and I have been designing and making knives in Berlin, Germany for over 20 years.

Originally from Dallas, I studied at the Kansas City Art Institute before transferring to Columbia University, where I was graduated in 1985. Summers I worked as an auto mechanic in Manhattan at Zumbach Sports Cars.

After graduation I remained in New York City, working as a graphic designer and art director before moving to Berlin in 1990 where I continued working in graphic design. In the mid-90s I became interested in designing tableware and ended up concentrating on the knives.

Since 2002 my primary occupation has been the design and production fine cutlery which I currently export to over 20 countries around the world. People always ask "Can you make a living at that?" Well, I guess you can call it a living...